Sunday, March 21, 2021

World Storytelling Day and Harmony Week: Face to Face


The Newport Storytellers will be guests at the Eltham Library celebrating World Storytelling Day and Harmony Week.

With the themes of New Beginnings and Everyone Belongs and through the art of oral storytelling, together we will recognise and celebrate renewal, harmony and diversity.

The Storytellers: Susan Hall, Roslyn Quin, Jackie Kerin, Dave Davies, Alan Davies, Dee Palanisamy and Em Chandler.

Stories will be for ALL ages.


BOOKINGS: Yarra Plenty Regional Library

DATE: March 27

TIME: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm

PLACE Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham - a short walk from Eltham Station


  • Need to check in with a QR Code
  • Masks are not mandatory in the library unless you are unable to social distance
  • Seating will be spaced appropriately

*And this is a screenshot of the team celebrating World Storytelling Day:a zoom. We organised two events so our friends from distant places could join us.

Farwell to this blog and Hello new website!

Well Storytellers ... the time has come to retire this blog. The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, under whose broad wings we shelter, has a fab...