Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Practice your ZOOM and play along!

Online Theme Night - Freedom Songs

Our Mothership, The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club,  under whose wings we nestle and are guided, are launching their first virtual event on ZOOM.

Newport Storytellers are learning how to ZOOM and will be announcing a gathering soon.

In the meantime, grab your spoons, anything with strings, your old school recorder and join in this Saturday. Open this link, follow the instructions and join in. Its good practice.

Detailed instructions on how to download ZOOM and join in the fun HERE 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Corona pandemic: Storytelling Postponed

Well... this will come as no surprise.

Newport Storytellers are cancelling all events until further notice.

Here is an UPDATE on where we are at.
  • Ed’s event has been cancelled at The Village. He had all the planning in place, so when this has passed, it should be a simple matter to make it happen.
  • The Newport Folk Festival has been cancelled - Stories and Songs by the Fire will not go ahead.

We followed through and applied for a grant from Hobsons Bay to make a podcast of our stories. This is to cover Matt as editor, Alan as music co-ordinator with Folk Club musicians, a project manager and a launch party. So fingers and toes crossed… something to look forward to.

Cam and Jackie are looking into setting up a simple way of meeting virtually, but it will be a few weeks before we get that sorted. Will keep you posted.

If you use Facebook, please like us and follow our page.

Now we are under the wings of the Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, it would be nice if you joined. It’s not mandatory but the club now cover our insurance, will auspice us and they promote our gatherings and events on their website and social media. Membership here.

Be safe and stay well wherever you are. As soon as Cam and I work out the easiest platform for virtual gatherings - we’ll be back sharing stories!

To lift our spirits and celebrate our storytellers. we'll be posting videos for you to enjoy.
Here's one of the incomparable Dave Davies at the Williamstown Literary Festival 2017

Farwell to this blog and Hello new website!

Well Storytellers ... the time has come to retire this blog. The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, under whose broad wings we shelter, has a fab...