Monday, August 17, 2020

August 21: Newport Storytellers CORRECTION

 Hello Storytellers

It's about our next zoom gathering.

This blogger made a typo on the previous post - she wrote July instead of August! Thank you to our attentive follower who spotted the mistake.

Our next ZOOM gathering is of course...

Friday August 21 
7.30 - 9.00 pm (although we do go over if we're still enjoying ourselves).
Please sign up to this blog so your email can be added to a private email list. You'll then be sent the links for all the virtual gatherings.
  • After you sign in, you'll receive a reply from FeedBurner Subscriptions with a link to activate the subscription.
  • If you can’t see the FeedBurner email, check your junk/spam folder
  • Once you are in the system we will be able to email you the ZOOM instructions so you can join in the fun
  • AND you will now receive the Newport Storyteller news.
Best wishes to you all
Fumble Thumbs 

Farwell to this blog and Hello new website!

Well Storytellers ... the time has come to retire this blog. The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, under whose broad wings we shelter, has a fab...