Sunday, June 21, 2020

June: Newport Storytellers


Friday June 19 was another wonderful virtual gathering of story sharing. Our numbers were small so everyone who wanted to, had the chance to share a song or story.

One of the thoroughly fantastic things about virtual evenings is the way people check in from distant suburbs, other states and even from overseas.

We enjoyed a story and song from David in the UK, Shirley in Brisbane and other folks beamed in from closer to Newport, including Altona and Yarraville. Technology! Amazing!

Many thanks for the tales shared: the tall stories, the autobiographical, the gothic, the heartbreak of Annachie Gordon (song) and the beauty found in the world of Eleanor Farjeon.

We’ll be gathering again on July 17 and if you subscribe to this blog, you'll receive a reminder.

The picture you see is the Newport Power Station. It’s what I see outside of my window when I look up from my computer screen. The chimney is visible for kilometres, making home easy to find. And needless to say, it’s a Newport icon.


A reminder that  the Newport Folk Festival will be streaming live next weekend. Check out the details and join in the fun.

Stay safe, well and connected, 

Jackie  K (coordinator) Newport Storytellers.

Farwell to this blog and Hello new website!

Well Storytellers ... the time has come to retire this blog. The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, under whose broad wings we shelter, has a fab...