Monday, May 18, 2020

Our May Gathering

The 3rd Friday of the month rolls around and the storytellers gather, share a party piece, a little news or maybe it's just wave. We always come away feeling a little richer.
Dave Davies sharing a tale from the Canadian gold rush
Our May virtual gathering was a delight with storytellers checking in from as far afield as South Australia, Brisbane and central Victoria. Of course we miss being in the same space but the surprising and wonderful thing about the virtual gatherings is that people are able to participate from wherever they are in the world. It's marvelous to hear about the ideas and works in progress, listen to the fully formed, enjoy a song and there is always the update on Lily-Anne's chickens. We'll be back in June - details to be posted.

Lily-Anne is educating us all on the many varieties chicken

Farwell to this blog and Hello new website!

Well Storytellers ... the time has come to retire this blog. The Newport Fiddle and Folk Club, under whose broad wings we shelter, has a fab...